Intelligently Designed Luxury '24-room' Masterpiece Apartment by Gary Chang
Today's post features Anthill Magazine Editor, Entrepreneur and fellow @DelynMiche Tweeter @jamestuckerman, as well as the following video I learned of from his site.
In this video we see how architect Gary Chang transforms his tiny, 344 sq. ft. apartment, in Hong Kong, into twenty-four rooms! Chang designed his apartment to be able to change into the different designs by simply sliding panels and walls. He calls this design concept the "Domestic Transformer". Chang created these designs because apartments are small and expensive in Hong Kong, due to the lack of space. The designs are exceptional and amazing; totally efficient use of space!
Thank-you @jamestuckerman for sharing with us!
Design for LA leaders share hopes for organizing process as community
response grows
The devastating wildfires that gripped Los Angeles in the past week have
prompted local architects to look to each other for ways to galvanize