Good day, Everyone. Today's feature is 'Victory by Design: Jaguar XK 120' in which Alain de Cadenet shares the history of the Jaguar XK 120 Comp Roadster and that in 1948 it was created and designed to compete in the sportscar market.
Ladies and gentlemen, this car is e-x-q-u-i-s-i-t-e! A Jaguar has always been a 'head-turner' for me, because it is such a beautifully designed automobile! It's lines are ever-gorgeous; the car is swanky in every detail! Of all the Jaguars I've seen so far, this Jaguar XK 120 is my favorite!! It's my dream Jaguar, for sure.
Covelo House / spaceworkers
Urban islands are an important part of the history of the city of Porto,
having been a very common type of housing in the city from the 19th century