Exquisite Abstract Art
Today's post: The Magic of Abstract Art by Rom Lammar
Luxembourg artist Rom Lammar specializes in abstract paintings. As he states, "Although my creations are very intuitive and based on great spontaneity, I never forget the basic principles of a good abstract composition: right space division, unity, fineness of form, and a certain degree of mystery. In many ways, my paintings could be considered as inner landscapes."
Rom Lammar's love of traveling (he made a round-the-world trip in 1992-1994), combined with his interest in primitive cultures, have led the artist on a quest for the unusual and an increasing use of non-traditional elements in his work, such as sand, wood, rusted metal pieces, rope, and small stones.
His recent paintings are influenced by sculptural forms and texture. The magic of his compositions is based on the way he uses depth, light, and shadow, to set the overall mood of the painting.
Be sure to turn on your speakers so that you can enjoy the sublime music accompanying this video!
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